Letter Carrier Political Fund
LCPF.....is NOT just another add-on to your union dues, it's the NALC's Political Action Committee; specifically: NALC's Committee on Letter Carrier Political Education. Among other political duties, they lobby congress on issues of concern to letter carriers. To date, LCPF’s lobbying expenditures have been a small fraction of the expenditures of UPS. Of course, UPS is a huge company who can donate money at a whim, where LCPF and the other postal lobbying groups have to rely on individual donations to fund their campaigns. UPS is lobbying heavily to weaken the Postal Service and to gain competitive ground it can gain against the USPS. LCPF is YOUR voice in Washington. LCPF is doing everything it can to protect YOUR job and all the benefits we have fought so hard for. LCPF needs these funds to maintain that fight and to fight against the special interest like UPS, who would like to see the Postal Service crumble at its feet. This is why each and every one of you need to contribute to LCPF! Not just for the political action alone, but to save your jobs within the USPS. If you don’t fight to save your job who will?
We are stronger than you may think. If roughly a quarter-million active Letter Carriers donate just $5 per pay period, we can raise over 12 million dollars in just one year. This would do a great deal to save the Postal Service and our jobs. Historically, retirees are the largest contributors to LCPF; they worked for a different Postal Service and know all too well the importance of having their voice heard. In 1970, before LCPF, a Letter Carrier earned about $3.50 hourly. To put that in perspective a paycheck for 80 hours plus 30 hours overtime would net a Carrier about $400. LCPF and the NALC have been good to Letter Carriers while asking little in return. Some of us have seen nothing but good times. Ask a Retired Letter Carrier who went on strike (to get you the job you enjoy today) if it was worth risking their job and their future by walking off the job to fight for their rights. We owe them all a great deal of respect. What MISALC is asking for pales in comparison.
The Michigan State Association of Letters Carriers is asking that you donate just $5 per pay period to LCPF. This can be done through payroll deduction, just like the Combined Federal Campaign which we are all familiar with. Step by step instructions have been included which will help you to set up your deduction over the phone using Postal EASE. If you have any questions about this, I encourage you to call me at 517-281-9182 and talk to me about how you can help. It’s time to start acting like a union and fight for your jobs at home, in the office & on Capitol Hill!!!!! The time is now! I contribute to LCPF, do YOU?
By making a contribution to the Letter Carrier Political Fund, you are doing so voluntarily with the understanding that your contribution is not a condition of membership in the National Association of Letter Carriers or of employment by the Postal Service, nor is it part of union dues. You have a right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal. The Letter Carrier Political Fund will use the money it receives to contribute to candidates for federal office and undertake other political spending as permitted by law. Your selection shall remain in full force and effect until canceled. Contributions to the Letter Carrier Political Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Federal law prohibits the Letter Carrier Political Fund from soliciting contributions from individuals who are not NALC members, executive and administrative staff or their families. Any contribution received from such an individual will be refunded to that contributor.
As a member of the NALC, there are several easy ways to give to the Letter Carrier Political Fund:
Payroll deduction: Contribute automatically, using PostalEase (either online or by phone) to set up an allotment deduction from your USPS paycheck.
Direct bank withdrawal: You can authorize the fund to withdraw a monthly electronic contribution directly from your personal checking account
Annuity deduction: Retired letter carriers can elect to give monthly via an automatic deduction from your monthly annuity.
Family Member Contribution: How immediate family members of NALC members contribute to the Letter Carrier Political Fund using Electronic Fund Transfer or by making a One-Time contribution
One-Time Letter Carrier Political Fund Contributions: This form should be used to identify names and members making one-time contributions.